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Solubility Rules

The solubility of a compound depends on a number of factors. These include the size of ions, the chemical nature of ions and their interactions with other substances. Some compounds are soluble in water at room temperature while others are insoluble.

Lithium Sulfate is moderately soluble in water and acid.

It is commonly used in the production of Lithium Standard Solutions. It is also soluble in high purity, submicron and nanopowder forms.

Solubility Rules

Salts containing Group 1 elements (Li+,Na+,K+,Cs+,Rb+) are usually soluble in water. However, some exceptions exist for chloride, bromide, iodide and halides.

Sulfate salts are mostly soluble, except for BaSO4 and PbSO4. Most hydroxide salts are insoluble in water, including most of the hydroxide salts of Group 2 elements (Ca, Sr, and Ba). Hydroxide salts of transition metals are also insoluble.

Some salts are only slightly soluble in water, like potassium bromate and potassium chlorate. The most highly soluble salts are rubidium formate and thallium formate, both of which dissolve in a solution at room temperature. Silver perchlorate and silver nitrate are even more highly soluble.

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