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Potassium Chloride (KCl) is a white, colorless, odorless, and soluble salt of strong acid. It is obtained by reacting potassium bases with HCl. KCl has a melting point of 1040 Kelvin and a boiling point of 1200 deg C.

KCl is a highly active catalyst for methane pyrolysis. In molten KCl, the R2 value of methane pyrolysis is estimated to be 0.99.

Pyrolysis takes place over a short residence time, which leads to low conversions. The amount of Cl burned and the corresponding conversion are measured in a differential reactor. An increase in the methane conversion is observed over the temperature range of 20 mL/min to 1000 degC, and at a partial pressure of Ar:CH4 of 50:50 vol%. Increasing the flow rate also increases the burning rate.

KCl has been found to reduce soot particle size, but this research has been limited. Moreover, the effects of KCl on PAH formation have been studied in very few studies. Hence, further investigations are necessary to understand the impact of KCl on various types of PAHs.

In the present study, the influence of KCl addition on PAH formation processes was investigated. Laser-induced fluorescence (LIF) signals were detected for three different concentrations of KCl solutions. These signals were analysed using a notch filter at 532 nm.

An Arrhenius plot was produced to determine the apparent reaction order. A pre-exponential factor was estimated to be 6 x 108 to 3 109. This translates to a reduction of ELS signal from 1.5 mm to 2 mm and a decrease of the PAH-LIF signal from the reference case to the higher HABs.

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