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What is zirconium-nitride (ZrN)? Zirconium Nitride It is an inorganic chemical compound that has different crystal structures. The characteristics of this compound allow it to be used in various ways. ZrN is an alloy compound that has been discovered in the ZrN alloy system. Not only do they have excellent chemical characteristics, but they can also be used for junctions, diffusion stacked, cryogenic gauges etc. These compounds can be used to make metal-based and three-dimensional integrated transistors, as well as in the fabrication of electric coils. Moreover, they are superior in terms of corrosion, wear, oxidation and wear resistance to pure zirconium, with a higher temperature critical for superconductivity. value.

Zirconium Nitride properties
The room temperature resistivity for ZrN is 12 uO*cm. Its temperature coefficient of resistance is 5.6*10-8O*cm/K. The superconducting threshold temperature is 10 4 K. And the relaxed lattice parameters is 0.4575nm. The elastic modulus and hardness are 450 GPa. ZrN produced by physical vapor deposit (PVD), has a golden-like color.

Zirconium nitride preparation
By carbothermal Nitridation, zirconium nitride nanopowders are prepared from a mixture of zirconium gel and carbon black.

Our zirconium powder is ultrafine, with a large surface area, and high purity. The surface activity of the zirconium powder is high.

Zirconium nitride is used in the manufacture of zirconium alloys. You can also find out more about the different kinds of industries
Zirconium nitride This material is similar to titanium oxide and cement. This material is also used to make cermets, laboratory crucibles, and refractory materials. Physical vapor deposition is a coating method that is used on medical equipment (especially drill bit), industrial parts, automotive, aerospace, and other parts susceptible to corrosion and high wear. In the case of alloying with Al the electronic structure is formed from the cubic ZrN’s local octahedral bonds symmetry. As the Al content increases the bonding becomes more complex and the hardness increases.
The zirconium-nitride coating is used for burs and drills. These coatings can be deposited using physical vapor deposition. Zirconium Nitride-coated tools can be used for nonferrous metal applications. These include machining aluminum alloys such as brass, copper alloys or titanium.
Also, zirconium nitride is used as an inner lining of hydrogen peroxide fuel tank in rockets or airplanes.

(aka. Technology Co. Ltd., a global chemical material manufacturer and supplier with over 12 year’s experience in providing super-high-quality chemicals. The zirconium nitride Please note that the products produced by our company are of high purity and have low impurity. Please. Contact us if necessary.

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